What Every Parent Needs To Know: Circumcision - (The pros & CONS)
The foreskin has three known functions:
protective, sensory, and sexual
During infancy, the foreskin is attached to the glans
and protects it from urine, feces, and abrasions
from diapers. Throughout life, the foreskin keeps
the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma
and injury.
Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused,
and desensitized from exposure and chafing.
Glands in the foreskin produce antibacterial
and antiviral proteins and plasma cells in the
foreskin’s mucosal lining secrete immunoglobulins
and antibodies that defend against infection.
Do not let your doctor or any one else try to retract
your child’s foreskin. The best advise for the care
of the intact penis is simply to leave it alone. The
intact penis needs no special care.
The foreskin protects the glans throughout life. It
also serves a sexual function because it is a highly
innervated tissue and affects the size, shape, and
lubrication of the erect penis.
According to a study published in the New Zealand
Medical Journal, “Nine out of ten women prefer
sex with intact men.” The foreskin keeps the glans
penis moist and soft, aiding in foreplay, insertion,
and intercourse. Dry or painful sex is the most
common sexual complaint of women in the U.S.
Most parents don’t know what is actually
done to a baby when he is circumcised
The baby is placed spread-eagle on his back on a
board and his arms and legs are strapped down so
that he can’t move.
His genitals are scrubbed with antiseptic solution.
His foreskin is torn from the glans and slit lengthwise
to allow for insertion of the circumcision instrument.
Then the foreskin is crushed and then
cut off, with or without anesthetic.
Risks from Circumcision:
Excessive Bleeding * Infection * Complications
from anesthesia * Surgical Mistakes, including loss
of glans and loss of entire penis * Death
When physicians realize the important functions of the foreskin,
they’ll realize that just about every problem with it can and should
be solved without cutting it off. Cutting off part of the body~
especially part of the penis ~ is an extreme measure that should be
reserved for the most extreme circumstances. The only legitimate indications
for cutting off any part of the body, including the foreskin,
are life-threatening disease, life-threatening deformity, or irreparable
damage. These situations are extremely rare.
Throughout the 5-10 minute surgery, newborns scream, tremble,
choke, wail, hold their breath, vomit, agonize....
All circumcised males loose some or most of the
sensitivity in their glans and all of the sensitivity of
their foreskin.
Extensive scarring * Skin tags * Bleeding of
the circumcision scar * Curvature of the penis
* Tight, painful erections * Impotence *
Feelings of having been violated * Feelings of
having been mutilated
Circumcision Denudes:
Depending on the amount of skin cut off, circumcision
robs the male of as much as 80% or more of
his penile skin. Depending on the foreskin’s length,
cutting it off makes the penis as much as 25% or
more shorter. Careful anatomical investigation has
shown that circumcision cuts off more than 3 feet
of veins, arteries, and capillaries, 240 feet of nerves
and more than 20,000 nerve endings. “The
foreskin’s muscles, glands, mucous membrane, and
epithelial tissues are destroyed as well.”
Circumcision Harms the Developing Brain:
Recent studies publilshed in leading medical journals
have reported that circumcision has long lasting
effects on the developing brain. Developmental
neuropsychologist doctor James Prescot suggests
that circumcision can cause deeper and more
disturbing levels of neurological damage as well.
Circumcision is estimated to be a 400 million
dollar business in America. The neonatal circumcision rate in the
western US has now fallen to 34.2%
“As an OB/GYN trained to do circumcisions, I have decided that it is such a mutilation and torture of our babies that I want to work with educated parents that will keep their sons intact.” Dr. Jade P. McGaff, M.D.
“I am grateful I overcame my defenses and did not subject my sons to circumcision.” Dr. Joseph Kassel N.D.
“Because my penis is different than my father’s, at no time has it affected our deep bonded relationship.
I am grateful to be intact.”
Misha Kassel, 1st year medical student.
“As physicians we will practice Primum no nocere
(First do no harm).”
“Circumcision causes pain, trauma and a
permanent loss of protective and erogenous
tissue. Removing normal, healthy, functioning tissue violates the United Nations declaration of Human Rights (Article 5) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child (Article 13). Dr. Leo Sorger, M.D. (OB-GYN News)
“Our society is caught up with body modifica- tion, instead of enjoying the beauty of the higher power as a gift. Restore the option of choice to our male children. A right of passage should be a gift of choice, should they choose to
circumcise or not.”
Kumu Keala Ching
“I have three sons who were circumcised because I didn’t know enough to protect
them. I have apologized to them all, and I now have four intact grandsons. It is time to forgive ourselves for our ignorance and then to work to bring an end to genital cutting of baby boys in the United States.” Marilyn Milos, RN, founder of NOCIRC
For More Information:
If your physician or healthcare provider
recommends that your child be circumcised,
get another opinion from a physician who
understands the important functions of the
foreskin, no matter how “urgent” the situation
may be.
For help finding one in your area contact:
National Organization of Circumcision
Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC)
P.O. Box 2512 San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512
Phone: 415-488-9883
Fax: 415-488-9660
Doctors are encouraged to join:
Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC)
2442 NW Market St. #42 Seattle WA. 98107
Phone: 360-385-1882
Fax: 360-385-1948
Another resource especially for nurses:
Nurses for the Rights of the Child.
369 Montezuma #354, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: 505-989-7377
For alternative bris for Jewish parents:
Circumcision Resource Center,
Ronald Goldman PHD
P.O. Box 232 Boston, MA 02133
617-523 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617-523-0088
In Hawai’i contact:
Clare Loprinzi
P.O. Box 400
Holualoa, HI 96725
Phone: 808-329-6442
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